Interview Snippet:
"MELØ rides an edge where retro-futurism meets indie-pop and blooms into overdrive. He was raised on the streets of South Detroit where the echoes of techno and punk fused together to spin his creative mind into form. After years of keeping his music from the public, a personal intervention struck him like a bolt of lightning. In an instant he realized it was time to finally record the songs he had been hiding and let the world get to hear them.
His upcoming debut LP, Songs From The Spirit Box pulls together influences from David Bowie, INXS, and Depeche Mode, and filters them through modern production that flirts with pop, dabbles with vaporware, and remains true to its own sound. The songs play like fantasies from the speakers evoking memories of late summer night drives, lost love, and estranged friends. It mirrors the past present, and future all at once.
The lush emotive pop of the 80’s has finally found a way through the 2020’s that feels honest and grounded. There is no room for trendy studio tricks and cliched aesthetics here. It’s rare for artists to create new genres, but MELØ is doing just that. His music remains accessible while holding space for mystery. As the current musical landscape continues to overflow with new bedroom artists that no one can tell apart, true artistry and star power is a trophy. MELØ is the grand arrival of Post-New Wave."